2017 Energy Syllabus

Tuesdays, 12:10 – 3:05PM

Go to: Main class page    goto week: 01 02 03 04 | 05 06  07 | 08  09 10 | 11 12

Schedule Overview:

1/241. Intro, start kinetic projects3/14Spring break, no class!
1/312. Generate 1: Kinetic3/218. Solar 2
2/73. Storage 1: Capacitors3/289. Kinetic 2
2/144. Kinetic presentations, start solar projects4/410. Final workshop
2/215. Storage 2: Batteries4/1111. Special topics
2/286. Generate 2: Solar5/2 (previously 4/18)12 Final Presentations
3/77. Solar presentations, start final

Student Documentation:

[row class=”row-fluid”][col class=”span4″]Chetan Hasabnis
Dimosthenis Markopoulos
Dorothy Chi Hung Lam[/col][col class=”span4″]Jaycee Holmes
Jesal Trivedi
Mithru Vigneshwara[/col][col class=”span4″]Richard Lapham
Samantha Schulman[/col][/row]

Some previous class projects:

Pawnetic Playground, Easter Vogel, Enertiv Monitor, Soundlevel Sign, Rios’ Ironman and Pedal SynthSyntheneticCircuit BoardSolaSystemHeely generatorsLight SwingSolar Xylophone  and some of Rory’s other stuff, Sam Galison’s squeezebox, Daft Junk, Kina’s Songlogger, Joao’s Sol, Oryan and Edson’s Solar Power Man, Hugo and Joe’s Datalogger, Natalia and Jacob’s light bug.


Week 1: Introductions



Most of your projects at ITP have an on button and a power supply – they are active energy users. They might even never turn off. This is possible because computation has become extremely efficient, abundant, and cheap. At the same time, the work you create at ITP may help make technology more irresistible, an increasing part of daily life. The energy consequences of that on button are magnified.

But if you’ve ever smelled that “hot electronics” smell from a frying TIP120 or LM7805, you’ve been closer than most to tackling questions about energy directly. And because of your work at ITP, you are in a good position to understand energy in a precise and nuanced way – an understanding generally all too lacking.

In this first class we begin the adventure of looking at the world – from the scale of an individual electronics project to the scale of the universe – in terms of energy. We introduce (or reintroduce) some of the few terms and units we will rely on throughout the semester: watts, joules, work, power.

The first class serves as an introduction to some of the larger themes we will pursue over the course of the semester. We look at the origins of the course and the relevant parts of my background, and hear from you about your experience and expectations.

More energy projects:

Photos: Soccket (See PM story from 2010 and updated in 2011), Gravity LightMine KafonSolar Sinter. Others are kinetic energy patents through the ages – filename = patent number.

In class:

  • 2003 blackout presentation
  • Build and measure pendulums.Professor Calculus values the pendulum.
  • Form teams for the kinetic challenge.


  • An excerpt from Vaclav Smil’s earlier work: Energies: An Illustrated Guide to the Biosphere and Civilization. 1999, MIT Press, online here [pdf, 2.2mb]
  • Subscribe to The Energy Gang podcast and listen to the most recent episode.


  • Open up the power hand-out. What parts are in it?
  • Find one or more potential “converter” candidates for the Kinetic challenge. DC gear motors work very well. Steppers, or (to a much-lesser extent) piezo crystals are potential candidates. Also find light sources – hi bright LEDs, etc. Can you get your converter to light up your light? Diodes and capacitors will also be useful in the coming weeks. Bring all materials to class next week, and brainstorm solutions for the challenge with your partner. 
  • Watch the section of this video (from 22:25 to 30:30) that introduces conservation of energy.


  • Get the Smil text.
  • Send me the link to where you will be keeping your documentation. Remember – your link should take me just to stuff for this class.
  • Sign up for a shop safety session if you did not take one last semester. Follow all shop policies.
  • Note: NYU is hosting a climate action conference March 10th and 11th, and Columbia is having an Energy Symposium February 2nd and 3rd.



Week 2: Generate 1 – Kinetic Energy and Conditioning

We’ll quantify kinetic energy, and see how it is converted into electricity (accounting for almost all of the world’s electricity generation).

humidity-generatorLast week we used some basic physics like force = mass * acceleration to start to understand our SI units for energy (the joule = 1 newton * 1 meter) and power (1 watt = 1 joule / 1 second). We used this to calculate things like the difference in gravitational potential energy in the masses of our pendulums when they were raised to their starting points.

This week we’ll start with a very birds-eye view of energy, covering the history of the universe in a few minutes, up to “the world until yesterday”. We’ll see the genesis of heat engines –  devices that turn chemical energy from fuel into useful mechanical work and which have fundamentally shaped the modern world; and we’ll introduce induction, the primary means by which we turn mechanical work into electricity. Almost every electron we use is pushed to us this way.

In class:

Notes: Columbia is having an Energy Symposium this week. Student price is $35.

For reference:



  • Continue building your kinetic device. Using an oscilloscope and multimeter, measure or estimate the open circuit voltage and short circuit of you generator. How fast can you charge a capacitor?




Week 3: Storage 1 – Capacitors

We’ll look at the connection between motion and electricity via induction, and quantify the energy stored when charging capacitors.

An LED is a pretty forgiving load to power, since it doesn’t doesn’t need to boot up and compute anything. As long as we provide enough current (but not too much) we can light it up. So using an LED (or rather, light in general) for the kinetic challenge is a good place to start. However, we might eventually want to power a less forgiving load – something like a microcontroller that requires a more carefully regulated power supply.

The Paradiso/Starner reading gives a good introduction to the kinds of sources that might be considered for powering mobile electronics. (BTW – they’ve treated each topic covered in that paper in more depth elsewhere. Search for their papers if a particular area is of interest.) Typically those sources are low power and intermittent, both factors in requiring some degree of energy storage.

In class today we’ll look at adding capacitors to the rectifier circuit we saw last week, and we’ll calculate the energy stored in a capacitor. Once we know that we can determine the “real world” power a generator is capable of by using it to charge a capacitor: the energy added to the capacitor, divided by the time to do it, yields the power of our generator.

In class

  • Discuss GTM, Paradiso and Smil
  • Energy Storage, Capacitors, Strategies for conditioning kinetic input.
  • See kinetic challenge hardware in progress
  • Lab: Measuring power by charging capacitors


Watch: Inductor video for more information on step up converters and using steppers as inputs

Why this?

Assignment: Finish kinetic challenge for presentation next class. Be prepared to quantify your work using energy and power terms.



Week 4:  Kinetic presentations

You will present your creations for the kinetic challenge in class. Some projects from previous years:

Screen Shot 2014-03-02 at 8.43.30 PM

Kinetic Presentations 

Theme for the day:

In class:

  • Workshop final concepts (moved to next week)
  • Workshop your individual topics and select presentation week (8-11).
  • Solar challenge kickoff


Watch:  Solar 1.1 and Solar 1.2. While we’re actually starting with batteries rather than solar directly, we’ll review this material.

Assignment: Choose your “computation” for the solar project. Create a rough energy budget based on experience, direct measurement or estimates from documentation – post this your blog. Choose and order a battery compatible with the solar kits, along with any other components you need.

Note: 2nd years Mathura and Vinyata are planning to do a demo of the Enertiv energy monitoring system on floor. February 17, 12-2 PM.



Week 5: Storage 2 – Batteries


We’ll consider batteries.

I’ve visited Thomas Edison’s factory in East Orange, NJ, now a national park. On display are Edison’s library, large and precision machine shops, his early recording studio (where a variety of cones performed the function of microphones) and a reproduction of “Black Maria”, the house-like film stage with a retractable roof that could be rotated to follow the sun.

Edison developed a robust nickel-iron battery used in early electric transportation applications. Many of his other devices, such as the cylinder recorder shown below, were powered by batteries in beautiful glass jars. Improvements in batteries since this time have been incremental – while the power density of batteries has increased (the ability to rapidly charge and discharge), their overall energy storage per unit of mass or volume has increased less rapidly.

In 2015 I wrote: “Some battery news this year (will any be around next year?) Sakti3, kAir (see also here), and packing peanuts.” As of this year, Sakti merged with Dyson, kAir pivoted and might have vanished, and there’s been no news since then on packing peanuts as batteries. This is typical of the battery space: each year brings promises of a new technology that will revolutionize batteries, but actual innovations that can make it to market and actually be manufactured at scale are few and far between.

In class:

  • Current events / discussion
  • Workshop final concepts and individual topics presentations (rescheduled from next week)
  • Battery presentation 2017
  • Hands on: measuring current and voltage in situ; reducing power consumption; selecting low-voltage options.


  • Smil Chapter 5

Assignment: Continue solar project. Have final platform and sensors in hand this week. Have at least a 1-hour test run of prototype before the next class, in preparation for longer solar+battery-powered tests. Carefully measure voltage before and after tests to estimate capacity used or solar charge gained.






Week 6: Generate 2 – Solar


We’ll take a first look at photovoltaics – a non-induction means of generating electricity.

Aside from nuclear, tidal, and geothermal energy, all energy ultimately comes from our sun. In space, near earth, this power flow is about 1370W per square meter; on earth with the sun directly overhead we can expect about 1000W per square meter. This enormous power flow drives the wind and waves (the kinetic energy of which we can capture), lifts the water that rains down and fills damn reservoirs (the elevation of which provides gravitational potential energy), and, for billions of years, has been captured by life on earth, subsumed by geological forces and transmuted into the fossil fuels – coal, oil, natural gas – that are currently powering our civilization.

But as powerful and pervasive as sunlight is, compared to the fossil fuels we’ve become accustomed to, it is diffuse and intermittent: it will take a lot of PV material, and the ability to economically store the electricity it produces, to run big parts of civilization. In this class, we start small, looking at BEAM robots, which accumulate solar power and use it in small bursts to create charismatic life-like creatures. This will serve as a basis for considering big solar power.

Assignment: finish the Solar project, and listen specifically to this Energy Gang episode on energy poverty. We’ll discuss in class.

Notes from class:


Week 7: Solar presentations


Note: NYU is hosting a climate action conference March 10th and 11th.



  • Choose your final project and post the following to your blog: Working title, 1-sentence description, 1-2 paragraph description, working BOM.
  • Consider the criteria listed for the final and suggest alternatives.
  • Richard, Dimos, and Jesal, email me your topics for discussion in week 8.
  • Continue listening to the Energy Gang podcast.
  • Enjoy your spring break!


3/14/17 Spring Break

No Class

Week 8: Solar 2 Low Power Lab


In class:

  • Student topic presentations: Jesal, Dimosthenis, Richard.
  • Discussion of
    • final projects and final criteria
    • energy poverty podcast and most recent GTM podcasts.
  • Low-power lab. The LowPower, DeepSleepScheduler, and Adafruit SleepyDog libraries are all available from within Arduino’s Library Manager; Jeelibs is available here: https://github.com/jcw/jeelib
  • If time allows: Solar 2, everything after the panel.
  • If time really allows: Energy Quiz!



  • Revise final concepts, order all parts from BOM. Post a short status update on your class blog before next week.
  • Review the climate and energy writing of Eric Roston from Bloomberg. Eric will be a guest speaker next week in class.






Week 9: Kinetic 2 Solar 2

Resources: ITPs Enertiv Javascript module

In class:

  • Student topic presentations: Chetan, Mithru, Jaycee. 
  • Final updates
  • Energy Poverty
  • Solar-2 slides (2017)
  • Quiz

Assignment: Get final close to physically finished, enough so that working prototype can be brought to class for week 10 workshop. Begin planning final presentation and documentation.


Week 10: Final Workshop


In class:

  • Review Quiz
  • Student topic presentations:
    • Dorothy
    • Samantha
  • 1-1 project meetings.

Guest: Eric Roston



Week 11: Special Topics


Big Kinetic and Laws slides




Week 12: Final Presentations

04/18/17  5/2/17
